Cali (2 years 6 months, Female ) Pablo - (5 years 5 months, Male) 

Meet our newest dynamic duo: Pablo and Cali! These best friends could rival even the most infamous double act with how in tune they are with one another. Maybe you see them as Pablo and Cali or maybe you see them as Cali and Pablo, but no matter the order, you certainly can't have one without the other. They drink from the same bowl, play with the same toys and when out and about, always need to know where the other is at all times. The bond that runs between these two is too deep to ever be broken.
Our little cutie Cali is particularly dependent on Pablo. Cali is blind, and while she may not be able to see the world around her, this doesn't stop her from embracing every experience and living her life to the absolute maximum and Pablo ensures that she is able to do this, always being with her every step of the way and guiding her along her path with both his body and breathing pattern. Cali is always seeking out her big buddy and he dutifully responds to her every beck and call.
Pablo, in turn, is incredibly considerate of Cali. He understands her in a way that others might not. He's very patient when she grabs him to make sure he's still there or occasionally steals his toys since she can't find them for herself. Pablo is every single bit the perfect gentleman when it comes to his charming confident self. This is something you realise very quickly when you see the stark contrast between how he interacts with Cali and how he interacts with people. Pablo is a very social lad amongst people, but he does have a reputation for being a bit of a bulldozer. If its a cuddle he wants, then a cuddle he will receive. You only need look at him and he's immediately in your lap, trying to smother you in kisses. However he's sure to leave plenty of space for Cali to hop up too. Cali is equally as affectionate with people, but she always waits for Pablo to do a little scouting beforehand and ensure its safe to approach.
Due to their lovely nature, Cali and Pablo could live with a family with children 12+, providing they are understanding of Cali's disability and willing to not only help her navigate her new life, but also give her the space she may need when exploring new environments for herself. However, given that they are so well bonded to eachother, this perfect pair would prefer to be the only animals in the household.

If you are interested in offering Pablo a home, please complete a Perfect Match form.