Thierry (was Adam) came into our care as a tiny kitten, alongside his 5 brothers and sisters. After spending time with one of our foster carers, he was ready to be rehomed and unsurprisingly it wasn’t long before he found his forever home.

He has settled in very quickly in his new home and has made friends with the family’s dog – who was adopted from us in 2019.


“Adam (now Thierry) had a good first night! Him and his doggy sister Luna are fine with each other. She loves him – he is a little unsure but will settle near her which is good. He is such a good boy using his scratch post and litter tray – he has been no trouble at all, bless him.”

However, it is safe to say that Thierry and Luna have now developed a much closer bond.


“Where has my tiny kitten gone! It’s safe to say Thierry is growing well; he’s getting so big! He eats loads and meows his face off to remind us it’s food time. We work from home so he still gets lunch every day. Luna is still his bestfriend, although he does annoy her by trying to play.”

A before and after comparison shows how quickly this little kitty has grown.

“Both Thierry and Luna are the perfect pets for us. The matching adoption process definitely works!”