We have recently received an update on Sofie, who was adopted from our centre in November 2019.


“It has been 3 years since we adopted our girl, Sofie, so thought it was time to send you an update.


We have loved every minute of our time with her. She is an incredible dog; so bright, happy, and loves life. She goes to doggy day care 2 days a week whilst we are at work, and loves her pals there.


She loves going away in the caravan, and loves watching the wildlife through the windows when we’re not walking in the dales or at the seaside.


She is so adorable and has learnt lots of tricks to earn her treat. She wins the hearts of everyone she meets.”


We'd love to hear (and share) updates on how your furry family members are doing since leaving our care. Send your 'Happy Ever After' story to [email protected] with photos of course!