We recently received an update from Nina's adopters and are so pleased to hear how she has been settling into her new home:

"After seeing Nina on your adoption page, we fell for her straight away. There was one problem - she was a 3 hour drive away from us and there was a risk that Nina wouldn't like us. After careful deliberation and a very long journey, I arrived at the centre with my 2 teenage children. We were taken to see Nina and given the opportunity to walk her around your fields to see how she would act around us.

To start with, she was very timid and shy, and we felt like she wasn't warming to us. However, we were later taken to the play pen where Nina found a ball. This was a game changer - she loved playing ball with the kids. They instantly got a strong connection and from this moment, I knew she was the pet for us. 

A month on from when we adopted her, she has settled in amazingly well. She loves her toys and is very well-behaved in the house and when walking on a lead. I can't say a bad word about her. She's perfect and gets on great with the family. RSPCA have done a great job getting Nina ready for adoption."

If you have previously adopted a pet from us, we would love to hear how they are getting on.