We have recently received an update on Nala, who was adopted from our centre in December 2020


“In November 2020 I adopted Nala from the RSPCA Doncaster and Rotherham animal centre after she’d spent exactly 1 year and 2 days in their care.


Over the past 2 years, we have formed such a close bond, stronger than I ever could have imagined. Wherever I am, Nala is always there too. She’s my best friend and has brought me so much happiness since the day I brought her home.


Many people think I rescued Nala, but she has filled a gap in my life I never even knew existed. I can’t imagine life without her.


She’s been on holidays, had birthday parties with her friends, goes to doggy daycare weekly and sleeps in the big bed with me every night.


Thank you to the RSPCA Doncaster, Rotherham and District branch for bringing us together.”


We'd love to hear (and share) updates on how your furry family members are doing since leaving our care. Send your 'Happy Ever After' story to [email protected] with photos of course!