We have recently received an update on Roxy and Lucky who were both adopted from our centre, in October 2021 and August 2022 respectively. Here is what their new family had to say about them:


“In October 2021, we adopted our lovely Roxy. Her favourite thing to do is still play with her toys (the squeakier the better), especially her sheep! She also loves sticks when she is on her walks in the woods. Once she finds the right one (usually the bigger the better) she likes to hang onto it, even if it means she can’t fit through the gate out of the woods! She is so gentle, loving and sometimes a little cheeky…


Speaking of cheeky… in August 2022 we adopted our cheeky chap Lucky. When he isn’t barking at people passing the house or begging for food, he is usually finding some other way to tire himself out. That being said, he does love to snuggle up, especially in the duvet or on someone’s lap!


Lucky also loves his toys, but not as much as Roxy loves them! Sometimes his toys manage to end up in Roxy’s mouth… very mysterious ey Roxy?! 


This year, Roxy and Lucky got to go on holiday to Scarborough – they loved playing on the beach and paddling in the sea! They also got to go to York to celebrate their big sister’s graduation, and they definitely stole the show from the graduates!


Roxy and Lucky have been given Sunday names - Roxella and Luxor.


An average day with Roxy and Lucky involves lots of barking, sleeping, begging, cuddling, playing, walking, and in Roxy’s case, snoring!! And we wouldn’t have it any other way! We are so grateful to have them both in our family. We call them rescue dogs, not because we rescued them, but because they rescued us!”


We would love to hear (and share) updates on how your furry family members are doing since leaving our care. Send your ‘Happy Ever After’ story to [email protected] with their best photos attached!