We have recently received an update on Freya, who was adopted from our centre in April of this year.


Her new family wanted to show us how well she is doing in her forever home.


We adopted Freya (previously known as Happy) in April 2022. When we first brought her home it took a while for her to settle as she was so anxious she couldn’t sleep. We continued to work and train Freya and over time she began getting more and more comfortable. She is now fully settled in our family home and is the most loving girl she loves snuggling on the sofa with you at night for a cuddle.

Freya remains very active, she is still reactive to other dogs, but we have learned to take Freya on walks at quiet times, we also pay for a private field where Freya can have her exercise and time off the lead. When she is off-lead, she loves nothing more than playing fetch with her ball. We have trained her not to pull on the lead and she’s done really well with this. We couldn’t imagine life without her now! Thank you.


We'd love to hear (and share) updates on how your furry family members are doing since leaving our care. Send your 'Happy Ever After' story to [email protected] with photos of course!