We have recently received an update on Ethel, a lovely cat who was adopted from our centre in February.


“Ethel is loving her new life. We gradually introduced her to the outdoor world,  she now pops in and out during the day but stays home at night, mostly sleeping on the bed with us. She has been introduced to my work colleagues through video meetings and occasionally sends the odd work email whilst lying on my keyboard.


She loves being comfy, I often see my partner working whilst sat on a hard kitchen chair rather than disturbing Ethel on the computer chair!


There have been no issues between her and our dog and although she isn’t the biggest fan of our neighbours cat.


We couldn’t imagine our life without her now, thank you.”



We'd love to hear (and share) updates on how your furry family members are doing since leaving our care. Send your 'Happy Ever After' story to [email protected] with photos of course!