Bertie (formally known as Bailey) was only young when he was adopted from us so it was lovely to see an update from him one year on.

Here's the message Charlotte sent us about her beloved Bertie:

"Hi! Today is the 1 year anniversary since I adopted Bertie from you and I thought you might like to hear what he's been up to since he left your care.

He found an amazing groomer who familiarised him with being washed and trimmed - Bertie now prefers to sport a sleek and short style as he's not keen on being brushed. He completed a one-to-one puppy training course and another course too. He worked hard with his socialising and off-lead recall and now has long off-lead adventures with his local doggy friends and his Tuesday walking group. Every Monday, Bertie goes to my mum's while I work and he has built a lovely bond with her and my brother. He sometimes spends the day sat on my knee, and sometimes he goes for a snooze under the covers on my bed.

He has grown into a happy, settled little pup with a better social life than me!"



If you have previously adopted an animal from us and are happy for us to share an update on our social media, please get in touch.