Dogs die in hot cars

Help spread the message about not leaving dogs in cars

Top tips for keeping pets cool in hot weather

  • Never leave animals in hot cars, conservatories, outbuildings or caravans, even if it's just for a short while. Temperatures can quickly rise to 47°C (117°F) which can result in death.

  • Use pet safe sun cream on exposed parts of your pet's skin, such as the tips of their ears and nose, to avoid sunburn. If you're unsure on the right product, please ask your vet.

  • Ensure pets always have access to shade and fresh drinking water to help keep them cool.

  • Check every day for flystrike.

  • Putting ice cubes into your dog water bowl or making some tasty ice cube treats is another fantastic idea.

  • Damp towels for your pet to lie on or an ice pack wrapped in a towel could provide a welcome relief from the heat.

  • Dogs may also appreciate a paddling pool to splash around in.


Walking your dog in hot weather

Dogs need exercise, even when it's hot. We recommend walking your dog in the morning or evening when they will not burn their paws on the pavement or be at increased risk of heatstroke.